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Manchester Digital Member Conference Full Lineup

What do you need to know?

  • You can enter the Manchester Digital Members Conference from 13:30 to network. 
  • You can network with other members throughout the day through the same platform. 
  • Katie Gallagher, Managing Director of Manchester Digital, will officially kick off the Manchester Digital Conference at 13:50.
  • Sessions start at 2 pm.
  • Each session can be found in the session tab on the right-hand side and will appear 5 minutes before it starts.

Although the Manchester Digital Member Conference is best watched in full, feel free to curate your very own schedule by booking on below, so you don’t miss your top picks of presentations. 

You can find more information about each event below this table.




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Welcome from Manchester Digital

13:50 - 14:00

AI for all: shaping the future with Slalom

14:00 - 14:30 Book Now

Why NFTs are something you need to know about with NFTU

14:30 - 15:00 Book Now

Mapping out new territory – the route to the world we want to live in with Accenture

14:30 - 15:00

Book Now

The Future of Digital & Data Transformation with ENGINE Transformation.

15:00 - 15:30 Book Now

Is the future of website user experience gamification? With Novi.Digital

15:00 - 15:30 Book Now

Networking break

15:30 - 15:45 Book Now

Building cloud capability in Manchester - a vital component of BT's pivot to growth with BT

15.45 - 16.15Book Now

An MLOps-powered future with Fuzzy Labs

15:45 - 16:15 Book Now

EDI & its Impact on Technology with GCHQ 

15:45 - 16:15Book Now

The future of design mature teams- a blueprint for innovation with Sustainable Design Thinkers

16:30 - 16:55 Book Now

AGM business and MD thank you's

16:45 - 17:00 Book Now

AI for all: shaping the future with Slalom

14:00 - 14:30

Shouldn’t we be in the AI-powered future by now? Do you feel like we’ve been talking about it for long enough? Do you think it’s working for you, your company and your customers? Slalom wants to help provide everyone with the opportunity to play a role in the technology revolution and transforming the ethical application of AI for a more diverse and equitable society. Currently, 85% of companies agree that AI is critical to their future – and only 15% are leveraging AI today.

Slalom's human-centred approach to AI is anchored in three core beliefs that AI will be accessible to all, provide an opportunity for all and be representative of all. From current disruptors to future innovators; AI is for you and me. AI is for all.

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Why NFTs are something you need to know about with NFTU

14:30 - 15:00

The world of NFTs can be daunting. With so much confusion around them, it's hard to understand their true value, and how they are paving the way not just for digital artists all over the world, but also how brands can produce NFTs that not only stand the test of time in terms of its artistic merit but also opens up limitless possibilities for the end-consumer. This talk will describe what exactly an NFT is, and why they're going to play a vital role in the future.

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Mapping out new territory – the route to the world we want to live in with Accenture

14:30 - 15:00

Every year, designers from around put forward their predictions for the future for the Fjord Trends report. The past year has been a year like no other, changing how we live, work, learn, shop and play, as well as how and where we experience things. Reflected in the latest report, 2021 will be about creating new maps to help us uncover what’s yet to come, and planning a route to the world we want to live in. Throughout history, after a global crisis, a new era of thinking begins. Right now, we have an opportunity to decide what we want the 21st-century renaissance to look like.

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The Future of Digital & Data Transformation with ENGINE Transformation.

15:00 - 15:30

We’ve all had a lot to think about over the last 18 months, but resilience has been pretty much top of the pile. Us as individuals, our families, the economy and just about every organisation in the world have been stress-tested like never before. But now, as the world cautiously promises to go back, we believe that what you do next will be the key to future success.

So, what is the future of transformation? In this talk ENGINE Transformation's director for the north Peter Rottier will be talking about why transformations fail and will be sharing his experience of transforming the public sector and what he believes the public sector can learn from them and where he see’s the future of transformation going.

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Is the future of website user experience gamification? With Novi.Digital

15:00 - 15:30

Gamification isn't just about incorporating games in to your website. It is much more than this. One example is to think of a website user journey as being like a game of chess, you need to be anticipating the users next move ahead of time and have suitably personalised responses for each and every scenario.

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Building cloud capability in Manchester - a vital component of BT's pivot to growth with BT

As more businesses migrate and demand more bespoke and versatile cloud solutions, BT is on track to build a smart and flexible centre of excellence in cloud provision right in the heart of Manchester.

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An MLOps-powered future with Fuzzy Labs

15:45 - 16:15

The future of AI lies in a new buzzword known as MLOps. While everybody is excited about what they can do with AI, at the same time, it's said that 90% of attempts to productionise AI models fails.

This talk will be valuable to both technical and non-technical audiences. For people who want to understand how they might apply AI in their business, the talk will give them a concrete picture of what success looks like.

For those struggling to productionise existing AI capabilities, the talk will suggest a path to adopting MLOps to address those struggles.

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EDI & its Impact on Technology with GCHQ 

Technology is used by everyone, but if we don’t start thinking about how we build it for everyone we won’t create the right thing. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of all our technological advancements. This talk will be about how we can use EDI to build the technologies of the future.

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The future of design mature teams- a blueprint for innovation with Sustainable Design Thinkers

16:30 - 16:55

Sustainable Design Thinkers founder and Innovation Strategist will present a user-centred approach to innovation of products or services that supports teams in companies to validate their ideas and assumptions before launching their products or services.

Teams should problem frame and run design sprints to validate ideas and solutions through prototyping and user testing to iterate before launch.

A creative culture in teams allows opportunities for innovation in all sectors and innovation sprints can be facilitated in person or remotely using digital workspaces.

This talk is suitable for teams who are constantly seeking validation for new ideas!

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Don’t forget you can join our networking before, during and after the Conference. 

Hit the Networking button when you have joined the event and the platform will automatically link you up with another member for speed networking.

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